We all love fictional characters and hope that they exist for real every then and now.Kids are really fascinated towards superheroes and cartoons. All the age groups at any point have felt that their favourite character should exist for a better life. If Doraemon could have exist ,we would have an easy access to the world with it’s any where door and so on. We love them but what if we become obsessed with them to a level when it’s not just limited to a fandom but becomes a realtime thing for some then we called the condition as ,”Fictophilia“.Let’s dig in this, with me holding on to my forever love for Anime and keeping that on hold writing this for all my readers and YES LONG TIME NO SEE, as I’m writing this blog after such a long time. As life in Shikamaru’s words,”WHAT A DRAG…”.Let’s begin with all my research on this condition.

Fictophilia: Are You in Love With a Fictional Character?

  • Fictophiles are aware that the characters they love are not real, but they still yearn for them deeply.
  • There are three main signs that you are a fictophile, including you experience the “fictophilia paradox.”
  • It is the idea that you know your character is not real, but you still love them anyway.

Fictophilia,” “fictosexuality,” and “fictoromance” refer to the intense and enduring emotional attachment, love, infatuation, or desire that individuals experience for fictional characters.

Many individuals, or “fictophiles,” who experience this wonder if it’s normal or healthy, often facing social stigmashame and confusion about their strong feelings for these characters.

 To better understand this phenomenon, here are three signs that you are a fictophile, according to a 2021 study.

1. You Face the Fictophilia Paradox

The researchers differentiate between mental disorders, such as erotomania and fictophilia. Erotomania is characterized by a delusional belief that someone, often a public figure or someone of higher social status, is in love with the affected individual despite a lack of real evidence or reciprocity.

However, fictophiles may have fantasies of the character returning their feelings and consider them a real source of social support. The researchers suggest that the emotional confusion resulting from the fictophilia paradox is logical, as prior research shows that individuals who form parasocial romantic relationships perceive them as having similar benefits to real-life connections.

2. You Engage Deeply With Fictional Characters

In contrast, the “fictophilia paradox” refers to the idea that fictophiles are highly aware that the character they love is not real, yet continue to yearn for them deeply. They can differentiate between fiction and objective reality and acknowledge the parasocial nature of their feelings. The genuine emotions they develop for these characters can create sadness and discomfort due to the obvious lack of any possible reciprocation.

If you have ever come across an interesting and particularly vivid piece of fanfiction, it may have been written by a fictophile. According to the 2021 study, similar to a devoted fan, fictophiles enhance their connection with a beloved fictional character by engaging in daydreams and fantasies, cosplaying, creating fan art or writing fan fiction centered around the character.

Fictophiles may also get character-related tattoos, clothing, jewelry, or other merchandise, serving as a tangible representation of their deep admiration and attachment. They often experience strong emotional reactions to events in the fictional world involving their characters, becoming deeply affected by character developments, relationships, or storylines.

Another study in 2021 further explains the appeal of engaging with these characters based on one’s attachment style. It found that higher attachment anxiety leads to forming stronger parasocial emotional bonds with fictional characters, especially those who appear more nurturing and, therefore, soothing to connect with.

Conversely, individuals with more avoidant attachment styles gravitate toward characters who have traits they value, such as autonomy and independence, which reaffirms their own behavior

3. You Prefer Fictional People To Real Ones

Research shows that individuals connect to fictional characters by judging if they are ethical, attractive, realistic, and personally relevant to them, even if they evoke mixed emotions. For instance, one may be fascinated by a character who has committed crimes they do not condone, simultaneously feeling attracted to them or even sorry for them.

Often, fictional characters can be preferred over any human counterpart due to their perceived superior emotional qualities and conventionally attractive physical appearance. Many fictophiles report that loving fictional characters feels safer than being in real relationships, as these characters cannot hurt, betray or reject them.

Fictophiles also have a high degree of control over their interactions with fictional characters, engaging with them when they choose and being able to rely on their predictability, which can be comforting to individuals who may have experienced instability in real-life relationships.

It is essential to remember that these behaviors are not inherently problematic or unusual and often serve as a genuine source of comfort and support. A strong attachment to fictional characters can be a healthy and enjoyable part of a fictophile’s life.

However, it is important to maintain a balance between one’s affection for fictional characters and one’s engagement in real-world relationships, as genuine human connection is essential for emotional well-being and personal growth


Fictophiles navigate the complex intersection of fiction and reality with their love for fictional characters. Fictophilia provides an opportunity for emotional connection, even if it remains unreciprocated, as individuals find solace in these beings that may be lacking elsewhere. While these experiences are valid, maintaining a balance between deep fictional attachments and real-world relationships remains essential.

Thus loving a fictional character isn’t anything but when you go beyond reality and make your reality according to them fictional characters or want them badly in your life despite of having that fact they aren’t real, then find the connection with reality.Rest you enjoy whatever you love.

-by Cheenu Singh Sisodiya



  1. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ says:

    I figure if they’re not hurting anyone, let them live with their fantasies, for they’re getting the comfort they feel they need. Forcing them to “face reality” may have negative consequences, for they probably need to do some deep inner healing before they would be able to be in a healthy relationship. Who knows, maybe this IS part of their healing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right no harm but we should be aware of the things🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tamara Kulish from https://tamarakulish.com/ says:


        Liked by 1 person

  2. utahan15 says:

    i m calling perry mason riiight now

    Liked by 1 person

  3. utahan15 says:

    chee nine tee bit

    Liked by 1 person

  4. utahan15 says:

    what do you call an angry german? a sour kraut. ! what is a stolen weiner? a hot dog!!! hey doc sup?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. utahan15 says:

        long time no write. me i m stillmanic. sister died and i lauged and did not cry. she left herself vulnerable to md s. and me i like to be a boy inside the man. glad your fine.


      2. Take care of yourself, It’s hard time ,sometimes we don’t know how to react to a sudden situation and we tend to live in denial.

        Give yourself time , hopefully you will be fine.

        I was occupied with work and other things,so couldn’t write the blog that’s why it took such a long time.

        Thanks for your well wishes.


      3. utahan15 says:

        it was not sudden . death by degrees. she gave up her autonomy. a poor choice. a weakened voice. remember that in your study. hush! the bell jar can only carry you so far! and ring that bell ! kneel sit stand what am i>? lmao. peace to you cheena!


      4. May she rest in peace.


      5. utahan15 says:

        most kind. the sufferings and mental illness have now abated. joyous noel or whatever deity you proscibe to


      6. Try to do things she used to love that will make you and her happy as well.


      7. utahan15 says:

        perhaps. she s everywhere and nowhere as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. utahan15 says:

        your next project why did jack tripper want to play the burning of atlanta with arabella? answer such a hot game.

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Not really, I don’t know about it in details.


      10. utahan15 says:

        you do. you know. jorma and jack and all we lack. sit back put it on and laze to that hot tuna!


      11. utahan15 says:

        cheenu thanks for the bit. and the sly wit. dr she be good was for you . seeya around lady


    1. M good , how’s you there


  5. P.S says:

    Thank you for sharing this fascinating exploration of fictophilia! Your insights delve into the intricate world of emotional connections with fictional characters, and I appreciate your thorough research. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thankyou so much , these words will keep me going to write more 😇😇

      Liked by 1 person

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